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Member Benefits

  1. Networking Opportunities: Attend after-hour events, educational luncheons and mixers and get to know other local, business-minded individuals.
  2. Business Exposure: Your business will be listed on the Chamber website and in the annual printed Membership Directory. And the Chamber staff will personally refer potential customers to your business.
  3. Access to Business News and Opportunities: You will receive Susquehanna Style Magazine, The Chamber Update, The Tuesday Teaser weekly E-Blast, and Business Intelligence Report.
  4. Help the local economy: Members help support and are a vital part of the regional workforce and economy.
  5. Access to exclusive discounts: PA Chamber Insurance, Energy Procurement from World Kinect Energy Service money-saving pool, and Chamber+ Business Insurance Dividends Program. All available at exclusive prices.
  6. Marketing Opportunities: Gain access to local decision makers and community leaders.
  7. Access to business resources: Utilize demographical and statistical information-accessible only to Chamber members to boost business.
  8. Hot Deals Discount Program: Promote your business by providing discounts to Chamber members, and the Carlisle Community. Take advantage of fellow Chamber members’ discounts.
  9. Let your voice be heard: Join one of many Chamber committees.
  10. The satisfaction of knowing your business is a vital part of the Carlisle Community.

Chamber Plus Testimonials

"I’ve shopped our insurance program a few times and have never found anyone to beat the price we get from the Strickler Agency. We get the best service from them and don’t want to be tempted to sacrifice that type of performance."

- Dan Turner, President: Turner Hydraulics

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